To be able to meet the growing demand of our customers in terms of regular stock or custom produced items, our manufacturing facilities have expanded substantially over the years. We are currently housing more than 6.500 m2 of manufacturing area across various locations to optimally meet customer demands. This allows us to distinguish ourselves from our competitors in a way that is rarely seen in the markets that we are currently active in. Not only does it allow us to innovate faster and listen better to our customers, but it also enables us to offer customers unequalled possiblities in terms of custom manufacturing. All feedback we receive from customers, can directly be translated into product improvement, innovation or the introduction of a new product. Over the years, we have shown that we can innovate faster than our competitors. This has resulted in numerous new product introductions exclusively available at SAM online stores. Our own manufacturing facilities also allow us to excel in custom production. Where in most cases this can be very costly due to low quantities and non standardized production, we have been able to set up entire production lines designed for as low as one piece custom production. Due to our knowledge of manufacturing the products we sell, we are able to sell these custom produced products for extremely competitive prices and short lead times. Our experienced sales staff can inform you about the numerous options available when ordering custom products. Read more about the advantages of buying directly from the manufacturer.